Last week we asked our social media followers if they would like to know more about a specific Marketing topic or if they had any questions for our Marketing team. A few days later, we rounded the questions up and sent them to Raquel Paim and Gonçalo Areias, the duo in charge of Advertio’s Marketing efforts. Here are their answers.

What are your suggestions/recommendations for creating a great marketing campaign?
(Gonçalo) The first thing you should consider when you’re creating a great marketing campaign is its goal. Once you know what you want to accomplish, then it’s time to think about how you’ll get there and define your strategy. This means that it’s time to think about the audience you’re trying to reach, where you’ll communicate — whether on social media or an offline campaign — and what communication style you’ll use.
That said, I believe that the most important step is to measure everything that’s launched. This is the only way to know what worked better or worse on that specific campaign so you can then optimise it.
What’s the most exciting and the most challenging part of your job?
(Raquel) When it comes to the most exciting parts of my job I’d say there are many. For example, it’s very gratifying to have the chance to work with teams with different profiles. At the same time, all our performance is measurable, and the results are immediate — which can be both motivating and challenging. Lastly, and perhaps the most exciting and motivating of all, I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to help a business, brand or product grow, and gain notoriety, clients and sales.
As for the most challenging part, I’d say that working in the digital space is difficult because it’s an area that’s constantly adapting and changing, which means that we have to be as up to date as possible.
What are your suggestions for estimating costs per click or daily budgets for campaigns?
(Gonçalo) When it comes to estimating a cost per click, I usually start by analysing the keywords that we’ll be using and check if competitors are using those specific keywords as well. This always depends on the location that we’re targeting. Once I do this, I’m able to understand if we can compete with those keywords or if we should segment them further. To do this, I use some tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest, and I always try to find the most relevant keywords because the more relevant your keywords are, the less you’ll pay the networks.
When it comes to the daily budget, I don’t think there’s a right answer for this. We do have to think about our investment capacity, though — the lower the daily budget, the more time it will usually take to get results.
Do you recommend any book, podcast or website about Digital Marketing?
(Raquel) Since this is a trending topic, there’s a lot of information on it. I’d say the biggest challenge is receiving this information from a reliable source. I can recommend a podcast called “Marketing School”, by Neil Patel and Eric Siu, that’s available on Spotify. It’s a 10 minute long, daily podcast where they share tips about Digital and Online Marketing, which is also available on their website along with other information about Digital Marketing’s different areas.
Also, and because marketing is something made by people for people, I’d recommend checking out Adam Grant. He’s an organisational psychologist and New York Times bestselling author, who’s written a few books and has some great TED talks.
How long should I wait to reach conclusions/insights from my campaigns? Is it the same for every network or do some of them usually show better results faster?
(Gonçalo) In my opinion, you should give them at least two weeks to make relevant conclusions. It’s essential to analyse them daily to understand the campaign’s behaviour on networks such as Google or Bing. It’s also important to pay attention to the keywords so you can add negative keywords that you didn’t consider when creating the campaign. However, when it comes to strategy, I believe we need at least two weeks to get better insights and make bigger changes.
As for the second part of the question, there may be some variation between networks, as well as verticals or audiences, but I wouldn’t say there’s a network that always shows results faster than the others.
What types of content make up an effective digital marketing campaign?
(Gonçalo) This is a difficult question to answer because I don’t think there’s an actual answer. It always depends on the audience we’re communicating with. However, if we look at some current examples, video content that’s straight to the point usually gets great results in networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook.
Generally speaking, interactive content usually gets the best results because it speaks to the user and invests them in the brand or the product. For example, for B2C businesses, quizzes are a great way to grab the user’s attention. As for B2B, content that showcases the product’s advantages or success cases usually perform well because they provide the advertising with credibility and reliability.
When you’re convincing a client of how good and tailored a product is, how do you maintain the message’s credibility when nowadays everything (meetings, demos) can be done remotely and, consequently, human interactions are lost? For example, a handshake is a nice physical interaction that may demonstrate trust, commitment, empathy and professionalism.
(Raquel) Remote communication has been around for a while. With the beginning of globalisation, it has become necessary because our clients aren’t restricted to a city or country but rather scattered around the world.
That being said, with the current situation due to Covid-19, remote communication has become not only important but necessary and mandatory. On the other hand, this situation has also made potential clients or users more receptive to this type of approach.
There’s definitely been a change in the way we communicate with a product or service. Online communication, whether through a website or social media, has become the primary contact between companies and their clients. It should be used to portray our business’s image, usability, credibility and, most importantly, the need we’re answering.
Customer loyalty undoubtedly depends on the level of service we provide. A good follow-up service can even surpass the product’s quality. A good product with an equally good service overcomes any obstacle that online communication could bring.
In my opinion, no type of communication replaces face-to-face communication because we are social beings, and it’s in our nature to privilege physical contact. However, when that’s not possible, online meetings using video are a way of trying to minimise that distance.
Since Advertio is based on Digital Marketing, what strategy do you think is more important when attracting new clients? Advertising your product through the appropriate digital channels or conducting a “door-to-door” sale to the respective audiences? Maybe a mix of both? Does it depend on the targeted audience?
(Raquel) Before selling any product or service, it’s important to define the target audience, and only then we can establish all the communication actions and promotions. This is also valid for Advertio. Different communication opportunities can, and should, have different strategies because what works for one, may not be suited for the others.
When we think about 360º communication, we have to consider many different things, and that’s why this is the most complete strategy. However, there are always different things to pay attention to which don’t need to be taken care of at the same time.
With the growing digital evolution, I would say that betting on a strong, efficient online presence is always important to support all the steps that follow, whether off or online.

Do you think posts like “Today is friendship day. We celebrate by offering you X!” (being X of little to no value to the potential customer) a good strategy just to fulfil the need for constant updates? For instance, Instagram stories?
(Gonçalo) I think this is something that still gets good results, but that has become common. The more original you can be with those types of posts, the better. However, content that relates to something currently happening in your country, or even the world, can produce great results. The trick here is to do it well, with some sense of humour (depending on the topic), inviting the user to interact with the post.
How can you become an excellent digital marketeer? Advice for someone who is about to start their career as a digital marketer.
(Raquel) I think my advice can be adapted to any career path: “whatever you do, try your best”. I truly believe this always brings good results, mainly for those who are starting their careers because a good attitude, commitment and effort are the most valued characteristics.
When it comes to being an excellent digital marketeer, it’s important to have analytical skills and a taste for strategy, but technical skills may always be required.